Friday, June 13, 2008

What a funny old world! - a story in London!

My friend AR is a very nice-looking blond woman in her 40's. She is a freelance journalist covering mainly travels and properties and love stories. The funny thing is that she has never found true love and settled down. She is a bit like the character in Sex in the City. She is quite dotty about her cats and being a vegetarian perhaps has put certain men off. In any case she is smart and caring and wants a partner of equal standing. I think not. As two people should complement each other. You cannot be the same in everything. Of course there has to be enough common interest to keep the two of you going. The rest can be developed with time. While this one is desperately searching for Mr Right. My other friend MJ who is TCM doctor is desperately trying to get out of hers. As she married in haste and now lives in regret and repent. She has been abused and beaten by the guy she thought was her Mr Right - her saviour. How wrong can she be! Now the lazy bugger just wants to bully her to give her earnings to him. What sort of man is this? I'll keep you posted on AR's more interesting adventures.

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